Nutraceuticals are natural bioactive products with food value and promising therapeutic properties in several\ndiseases. The use of functional foods and nutraceuticals promotes the quality and length of life in patients suffering with cancer.\nExamples of nutraceuticals of interest includes antioxidant vitamins like vitamin-C and E, carotenoids improves the efficacy of\ncancer therapy by improving immune functions, increasing tumour response to radiation or chemotherapy, decreasing toxicity\nto normal cells. The role of nutraceuticals in new era of 21st century showed enormous awareness and interest because of their\npresumed safety and potential nutritional and therapeutic effects. Healthy diet is very important in today�s lifestyle because\ngood food can protect health, strengthen immune system and fight against cancer and other diseases. Moreover today�s lifestyle\nhabits such as smoking, drinking, a lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet are prone to cancer. The best diet should include\nvariety of vegetables, fruits and whole grains for enhancing the quality and length of life. Altering a diet that includes\nconsumption of beneficial phytochemical as nutraceuticals can influence the balance and availability of dietary chemo\npreventive agents. In chemo preventive approaches, foods containing chemicals that have anticancer properties can be\nsupplemented in diet to prevent precancerous lesions from occurring. This necessitates further understanding of how\nphytochemicals can potently maintain healthy cells. In this study some of the phytochemicals which are proven to have\nanticancer activity are discussed as nutraceuticals.